The Ashley O Show: Nursing Beyond the Bedside

281. How do you know when nursing isn't right for you? And how to get enough protein without guzzling protein shakes

Episode 281

Monday's are for YOUR questions! I was recently answering a really good question in my DMs and thought to myself: "why don't I answer this on the podcast?" It was then that I realized that I get SO many excellent questions from you all in my DMs, on my stories, and from my clients directly - and we are going to start answering them LIVE here on the podcast, so we can all share the knowledge!

Ask YOUR question RIGHT HERE for me answer LIVE on the show!

Today's questions:

  • Amy - "Hi Ashley! I’ve been listening to the podcast for years, you’re often on my commutes with me! I am wondering how you knew that nursing wasn’t right for you? I have been a nurse for 2 years and I’m just not happy. But I feel like I am too young in my career to decide that this isn’t right for me. What do I do?"

  • Sarah - "How on Earth do I get enough protein without guzzling down 400 protein shakes?"

[5:50] How do you know that nursing isn't the right profession for you?
[24:29] How to get enough protein without relying on protein shakes?


Join us for our next Nurse Coffee Chat, Monday March 11 @ 730pm EST. These calls are free to join, and are an open forum to share, ask for support, and be honest about your experience as a nurse.

If you aren't already on the list, join HERE

The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @ashleyoshow! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at